Typing Game using pygame

typing game python

Display the Typing Game board

The first step is to learn the basics of pygame.

import pygame as pg
import sys

BOARD = pg.display.set_mode((400, 300))
pg.display.set_caption('Learn Japanese Game')
while True:
    for event in pg.event.get():
        if event.type == pg.QUIT:

When the above code is executed, the board will appear as shown below and to the right.

  • Set the display size in BOARD.
  • Display board title with set_caption.
  • In a while loop, the following three steps are repeated.

1.      Handles events.

2.      Updates the game state.

3.      Draws the game state to the screen.

  • pg.quit() stops the pygame library and must be written before sys.exit().
  •  pygame.display.set_mode() returns the board to the initial screen.

Pixel coordinates and drawing


Get color code with RGB Color Picker 

Color the board and draw a rectangle.

Specify location and size with pg.draw.rect(board, color, top-left x, top-left y, width, height).

Typing Game Setup Start

Summarize the features required for the game

  • game screen
  • Game start, game reset
  • Area to display the subject and the text you entered.
  • Typing speed measurement
  • Percentage of typing correct
  • Result display (elapsed time, percentage of correct answers, words per minute)

New words and references learned this time

pygame = A game library for creating 2D games in Python.



reference3:Making Games with Python & Pygame

dpi = Mouse Sensitivity。


enumerate = Using the enumerate function, an element’s index and element can be retrieved at the same time

pygame.mouse = Various settings can be configured for mouse operation.

pygame.mouse.get_pos()get the mouse cursor positionget_pos() -> (x, y)

Returns the x and y position of the mouse cursor.

pygame documentation

clock.tick() = This instruction is executed every frame. The number of milliseconds since the last execution of this instruction is calculated and returned as the return value.


Pillow, OpenCV for watermarking an image
