Show a Twitter button on WordPress

WPtoTwitter wordpress

Prerequisite: WordPress and Twitter integration must be completed.

There are many easy-to-understand websites, so let’s get them linked up first!

Reference: WordPress と Twitter を連携させるためにやるべき3つのコト

Reference: WordPressとTwitterを連携させる!Twitterカードの設定方法

I set it up on the LearnJapanese blog site.

Get the code with Twitter Publish: Customization is set to your preference.

Copy and paste the code where you want to embed it

Click the button on the site and Tweet!

When you create a post article, set how you want it to appear on Twitter.

You can set images to be displayed on Twitter, content excerpts, etc. The content displayed on Facebook can be set in the same way.

Note that this setup uses a WordPress plugin called All in One SEO, so if you have already installed other SEO-related plugins, please use the existing ones. Installing multiple SEO plugins is a source of error.



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